Wal International regularly attends the following industrial fairs and shows, as exhibitors and visitors.

Magic Show
Biggest garment and fashion fair in the world, twice a year in Las Vegas, USA.
Very established garment fairs in Europe in outerwear and sportswear sectors, once a year in Munich, Germany.
Important show on fabrics and sourcing, twice a year in Paris & New York.
Canton Fair
The biggest show with longest history around the world, twice a year in Guangzhou, China.
A dynamic part of Berlin Fashion Week and critical platform for European fashion retailers, twice a year in Berlin, Germany.
Premier Vision Paris
Most important trend and color launching platform around the world, twice a year in Paris.Upcoming fairs to exhibit or visit
Jan.28-31, 2018, ISPO
Jan.28-31, 2018,ISPOMay 1-5, 2018, Canton Fair
May 1-5,2018,Canton Fair
Wal’s shows in past year
Magic Show 2017
Magic Show 2017Sping Canton Fair 2017
Sping Canton Fair 2017Autumn Canton Fair 2017
Autumn Canton Fair 2017